
A day in the life of a Boundary Oak Student

Although activities will vary throughout each week we have a daily routine that each boarder follows:

In the morning
0710  Wake up and fold back your bed
0715  Showers, dressing, bed making, uniform check
0740  Breakfast
0815  Breakfast finishes, teeth cleaning
0830  School registration

Following the academic school day
1530  Pre-prep boarders go to After School Club
1600  Lessons finish for Preparatory boarders
1615  All boarders to the dining hall for Little Tea (snack and drink)
1630  Preparatory boarders go to Prep Club. Pre-Prep boarders return to After School Club
1730  All children to the dining hall for an evening meal
1810  All children to dorms to change into play clothes. Children to ICT suite for quiet time and catch up on prep work. Children may also go to the Music Room for practice
1830  Evening activities
1930  Snack and bedtime drink
1945  Bedtime, quiet time and reading
2000  Lights out – Year 3, 4 and 5
2020  Lights out – Year 6 and 7
2100  Lights out – Year 8 and 9
2130  Lights out – Year 10 and 11

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